HomeFire Offers Complete Training Solutions
Training Materials
Let HomeFire Produce Professional Training Materials for Your Community:
Content Design and Management
Video and Audio Support
Course and Testing Design
Use our growing library on HMIS and CoC topics
Learning Management System
Use our LMS system to:
Manage Your Own Content, Use Your Own Materials
Track Progress & Document User Training
Testing and Certifications
Schedule Annual Trainings
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And Ask for a Consultation Today!
“Kathleen Freeman is highly professional and her ability to relate solutions to complex issues has helped us move our community forward in understanding the importance of creating an effective Homeless Management Information System that allows for secure data-sharing.” – Judith Tackett, Director of the Homeless Impact Division, Nashville.

Compliance Monitoring and Evaluation
Compliance monitoring is one of the key components to ensuring laws, regulations, and related guidance is met.
HomeFire performs more than basic compliance activities. HomeFire is focused on improving compliance and the accuracy of monitoring and reporting by building capacity and resilience.

Training and Technical Assistance
Training and ongoing support are critical to building capacity and retaining valuable staff. Improperly trained staff often feel inadequate, underachieving, and unsupported, leading to high staff turnover and inferior work deliverables that cost lost time and money.
HomeFire is focused on increasing capacity and reducing staff turnover by providing training and technical assistance framed in adult learning techniques to ensure maximum transfer of knowledge, ensuring an increase in the capacity of staff to perform well while decreasing the level of turnover.